A place to openly discuss the environmental policies that at a national and worldwide scale make sense versus those that are an act of sheer hypocrisy and do not serve to protect the environment. Links to educational online initiatives for communities to understand the importance of some regulation and the absurdity of others.
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December 30, 2024
Cease and Desist from perpetrating torture

At the risk of repeating myself and sounding like a broken record, I drafted and send the traitor Colonel at the Space Force another letter today. Everyone’s torture has gone up as if they meant to wipe us out before the new administration wipes them out.

Below is another sample letter you can copy and adapt to your needs.

Please take the time to write to Colonel Petrusi, who supervises at least three hundred operations personnel that program and operate the electromagnetic weapons that hurt targeted individuals.


December 30, 2024

Colonel Nicole Petrusi, Commanding Officer

Peterson Space Force Base

1334 W. Stewart Avenue

Colorado Springs, CO 80916-0000

[email protected]

Colonel Petrusi:

As commander of the various squadrons that earn a living firing directed energy weapons at the undersigned, as well as more than 300,000 civilians in the United States, I demand that you cease and desist the torture that you order the squadrons under your command to perpetrate upon us.

You are fully aware that some of the GPS targeting coordinates are located in the United States—you are committing TREASON. My specific coordinates on the night of Saturday, December 28, 2024, were the following: 29.xxxxx° N, -95.xxxxx° W. I was brutally attacked in the area of my abdomen with microwave beams fired from the weaponized cell tower that the US Space Force uses as a directed energy weapon located on or around these coordinates: 29.761977 ° N, -95.420315 ° W. Yes, I was one of the Terrorist Screening Center targets at whom your squadrons fired weapons that night, causing me caused me indescribable pain.

I am an attorney, a mother, and a productive member of society arduously working for the eradication of the illegal Unacknowledged Special Access Targeted Individual program. As an environmental attorney working to protect disenfranchised communities and the environment of my beloved island of Puerto Rico, criminal operatives with access to corrupt FBI agents illegally placed me on two hidden categories of the Terrorist Screening Database reserved for those that do not meet the reasonable suspicion terrorist criteria but are still condemned to a life of torture.

I will work every day of my life to shut down this illegal program and hold legally accountable the traitors that perpetrated its torture, including you. Bear in mind that all the commanders under your authority will point to you when asked why did they torture civilians on American soil. Even though it will not serve to save them from prosecution, they will all state in unison that they were following your orders.

I demand that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST your illegal conduct of ordering the targeting and torture with electromagnetic weapons of more than 300,000 civilians in the homeland and 6 million foreign nationals abroad.


Ana L. Toledo

cc: [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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January 30, 2024
Llamado a los Ministerios al apoyo de las Personas Objetivos - TargetedIndividuals

En esta conferencia, la Dra. Sally Priester y yo explicamos en términos generales el programa de Personas Objetivos (Targeted Individuals) que afecta a sobre 400,000 personas en los Estados Unidos y 6 millones alrededor del mundo. 75% de las personas víctimas de este cruel experimento no se dan cuenta que lo son porque la torutra es leve. Solo el 25% son víctimas que descubren han sido señalados porque empiezan a escuchar voces, la sociedad los rechaza y su propiedad es vandalizada.
Exhortamos a los ministerios a creerle a las víctimas y darles el apoyo que necesitan para sobrevivir este programa que solo aferrándose a Jesús se puede sobrevivir.
Aunque no seas un #TargetedIndividual, por favor comparte con tu ministro.
Puedes salvar una vida.

August 15, 2023
Mensaje para las iglesias y sus feligreses…

La batalla contra el diabólico programa de #TargetedIndividuals requiere un esfuerzo inmenso de parte de las comunidades de fe para destruir los ejércitos de criminales que a diario persiguen y hacen daño a personas inocentes.

May 08, 2023
Update on Targeted Justice v. Garland, 4:23-cv-1013, USDC Southern District of Texas

It was a pleasure meeting with Len Ber and Anna Neufeld on Sunday, May 7, 2023 to discuss the latest events in the litigation to set all #TargetedIndividuals free from torture.
We will try to hold these every week, until we shut down the evil "Program"

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